Limited Edition Coral - Knowledge Base

Limited Edition Coral - Knowledge Base

Hey Reefers! Welcome to Limited Edition Corals #Reeftips. A knowledge base full of tips and tricks to enhance your reef.

Join us over the coming months Limited Edition Coral will be creating a knowledge base to share our expertise with you! We want to bust some myths, give you some tips and share our reefing experiences. We would love to see your tanks and set ups on social media with the #LECReef. Share with us and the greater reefing community your builds, favorite corals and fish. If you have a topic or specific question you would like us to address please contact us and we will cover it in an upcoming post.

As we embark on this exciting project our first series of posts are going to focus on some of the basic equipment that is required to set up an aquarium. Limited Edition Corals often get asked what do I need to get a tank started? So it seems like a great place to start our knowledge base. Check back soon and keep an eye on our social media for updates!

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